For all official information and updates regarding COVID-19, visit the South African Department of Health's website at

About Us

TeleConnect is the next front in the battle to lead South Africa in Fibre Network Operations, Internet High-speed Connectivity, and Capacity and as well as Telecommunications and Camera surveillance.

TeleConnect was established in 2018 with the objective of extending high-speed internet into communities across South Africa. We are leading in increasing connectivity for the rural and underserved, supporting densification for wireless.

We are one of the leading fibre optic installation companies in South Africa

Relocation and full support for experts from other cities

Why Us

We operate a strict health and safety policy recognizing the importance of safety in the workplace both for our customers and employees.

We continually monitor industry standards and only use quality products that meet the required standard.

You don’t need to look any further for knowledgeable engineers who you can rely on to get the job done. Our fibre optic, Telecommunications, and Security System engineers carry out the installation, testing, and maintenance of fibre optic systems, CCTV, Internet Network, and multimode fibre optic cable. We pride ourselves on great customer service with health and safety as a priority.

Services we provide

Connectivity Solutions

  • Optical Fibre
  • Optical Fibre Cables
  • Fibre optic installation and splicing
  • Optical fibre data links
  • OTDR test and reports

The network of connected “smart” devices that communicate seamlessly over the Internet, is transforming how we live and work. TeleConnect now allows companies and individuals to choose from different connectivity options with different bandwidth, range, cost, reliability, and network management features.

Network Services

  • Fibre Rollout
  • System Integration
  • Wireless Network Installations
  • Switch configurations
  • Network repairs and maintenance

Rolling out the network - TeleConnect has a great deal of experience with installing fibre optic cable even in harsh environments.

Telecommunication SOLUTIONS

  • Installation and maintenance
  • PABX configurations
  • PABX configurations
  • VOIP Systems

Telecommunication is an important tool for households, in particular for businesses. Companies can communicate effectively with customers. Is also a key element in teamwork, allowing employees to collaborate easily from wherever they are located, improves productivity, better customer service and increase growth.


  • CCTV Installations and Design
  • Camera surveillance Setups
  • Access control and remote monitoring Setup
  • Installation and maintenance

Fibre optic transmission is often a far better option for a number of reasons.
Fibre optic transmission can be extended to distances of 60km or more, making this the choice for sites where distant cameras are required.


  • Last Mile Connectivity
  • FTTH
  • FTTB

Passive Optical Networks are designed to deliver cost-effective point-to multipoint fibre networks; perfect for fibre-to-the-home and fibre-to-the-business applications.


  • Project Management.
  • Optical Network Design and Planning

We derive to project a professional posture in everything we do - value our workplace ethics and respect our clients and co-workers. At TeleConnect, we pride ourselves as credible and reliable Project Managers.

Expression of Interest

What are you interested in?

Our Address

140 West Street, Sandton
We open MON - FRI from 8:00am - 17:00pm

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Where we touched lives